How to post a general cheque
This feature is used to enter general cheques in the general account
Following are the steps to post a general cheque in LawPractica
- From the left menu, select General Transactions

2. Select General Cheques

3. A new General Cheque form will open up

4. Choose the correct Bank from the Bank drop down menu
5. Enter the date of the transaction
6. Select payment type (Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Bank Draft, EFT, Wire Transfer Credit Memo). To create a new payment type, please refer to article how to create payment type
7. System will automatically show the next cheque/reference number. You can also change the cheque/reference number manually
8. Enter the name of the payee
9. Enter the payee address. This is optional
10. Enter the amount of funds to be disbursed in the amount section
11. Select client/matter or GL from the drop down menu
12. Client/matter you use if you want to post this as a client expense on client file. GL is used when you want to post this cheque as office expense.
13. Enter the code. If the expense is taxable (GST only), use code “0”
14. Enter an appropriate description like Payment for …….. or Purchase of …………
15. Press Save Cheque. After you press the button Save cheque, the cheque will be saved in the bottom section of the general cheque. Please note that just saving the cheque will not post funds in the trust account
16. After you press Save cheque, a message pops up “General cheque saved successfully”
17. After the cheque is saved, click on Post & Close button in order to post the general cheque. To cancel the general cheque, click on the “X”

18. After you click on Post & Close, the general cheque will be posted.