How to post Time & Fees
- Click on Daily Activities

2. Select Time & Fees.

3. A new form will open

4. The timer will start automatically if the Enable Automatic Timer has been selected.

5. The transaction is selected as Billable. In case you want to post a Non Billable time entry, Please select non-billable from the drop down

6. Date will automatically pop up as todays date but you can change the date of the time entry manually

7. Under tab Client/Matter, select appropriate client/matter

8. Select or enter the Lawyer or timekeeper code.

9. Select or enter the time code for the lawyers or timekeeper’s activity.

10. The description will be displayed automatically as per the code. You can modify the description if necessary.
11. Enter the number of hours.
12. Default rate will pop up based on the lawyer selected.
13. The total fees will be calculated automatically.
14. Click on Save to save the time entry.

15. Continue to repeat the above steps to enter multiple transactions. You can post the transactions in multiple months.
16. When you are finished entering transactions, click Post Selected Time & Fees.