2025-01-13 > Updates
- Refund feature (Payment & over payment)
- Transaction totals on client centre
- Memorize User choice on following forms
- Time fees
- Client expense
- Trust receipt
- Trust cheque
- Trust transfer to pay invoice
- Trust transfers
- General receipt
- General cheque
- Vendor invoice
- Vendor payment
- Miscellaneous fixes
2024-12-02 > Updates
- Invoice template preview
- Cheque template preview
- Trust receipt UI enhancements
- Trust cheque UI enhancements
- Trust transfer view audit fix
2024-11-15 > Updates
- Automatic tax calculation configuration for invoices
- Memorize user’s print cheque settings
- Activity log fixes
- Invoice post & edit fixes
- Response headers for cache control
- Miscellaneous fixes
2024-09-10 > Updates
- Activity log is available now to track user activities in the LawPractica
- Now law firms can backup their database from Profile menu
- Outstanding cheque reversal is available now in Find > Transaction Layout
2024-05-23 > Updates
- Now you can link the contact and lawyer to existing clients/matter through Client Centre.
- Five additional financial reports are added into the system.
2024-05-02 > Updates
- Now law firms can use ePOS for day to day credit card transactions.
- Now user can edit the invoices, time entries and expense.
- SAI – CopiTrak integration is available to law firm